Alcohol Addiction, Rehab & Treatment

Alcohol Addiction

Most people in UK like to have a drink and see nothing wrong with it. It is part of being social, a way to relax and it is no cause for concern. However, the sad fact is, for a large percentage of the population, alcohol can be a problem. If a person drinks too much, it can have a devastating impact on various aspects of their life. It can impact their health, job and personal or professional relationships, but how does a person know if their drinking has crossed the line from ordinary, everyday levels to becoming an alcohol addiction?

If you or someone you know are concerned they may have an alcohol addiction and require treatment then Addiction Rehab UK can help by providing you with treatment options to overcome your dependency and receive the support you need to get your life back on track.

Signs of Alcohol Addiction

If you are afraid you may be drinking to excess and have an alcohol addiction, there are various signs to look out for.  For instance:

  • Do you drink for longer than you intended to and find it hard to stop once you’ve started?
  • Do you crave alcohol when you do not drink and find it harder to recover, such as experiencing a hangover?
  • Do you prioritise wanting or having a drink over other personal or family commitments?
  • Do you lie about your drinking?
  • Have you drunk so much that you cannot remember what you did the night before, sometimes referred to as a blackout?
  • Have withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, sweating and nausea when you have stopped drinking?

If you are displaying any of these signs, amongst many others, then it may meet the criteria that alcohol addiction is present and you need to seek help.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Depending on the severity of alcohol addiction there are various treatment options available, these include:

  • Alcohol Detox –  The natural process that occurs in the body as it attempts to rid the system of waste products and toxins from excessive, long-term alcohol consumption through a withdrawal process under the guidance of medical professionals.
  • Alcohol Rehab – Intensive treatment in an inpatient or outpatient facility
  • Alcohol Counselling – Individual or group sessions to discuss your addiction problems with others in the same situation and learn coping mechanisms for your alcohol addiction.

When requiring an alcohol detox,  Addiction Rehab UK employs the latest techniques to help those in the throes of alcoholism get their drinking under control or quit altogether. You can benefit from our extensive knowledge by choosing to undergo alcohol detox at your local alcohol detox or rehab centre.

You can be certain our highly skilled medical professionals, doctors, psychiatrists and nurses,  will deliver the support and guidance you need to complete your alcohol detox. Our expert team of medical professionals will have you under constant observation in the event of an emergency. They will monitor you as you stop drinking alcohol and will prescribe the proper medication to treat the symptoms of withdrawal you will experience during detox. Doctors could administer anti-nausea medication or antidepressants and can stabilise you if necessary. This is all part of your alcohol rehab therapy, which has been specifically tailored to your needs.

When treating alcohol addiction, you may need more than willpower, but a solution dealing with the mental, as well as the physical characteristics of alcoholism. During your stay at our residential rehab centre, you will attend ongoing counselling sessions, both individually and as part of group therapy. Speaking with one of our counsellors, you will identify any possible triggers, pressing concerns or long-standing issues, which may contribute to your issues with alcohol.

We also employ other techniques like cognitive behavioural therapy and 12 step programmes to help you recognise those negative feelings and address them. Addiction Rehabilitation feel, following a successful medical detox, counselling can provide you with the breakthrough to conquer your alcohol addiction for good. So, if you are ready to turn your back on the bottle and make a fresh start, then get in touch with Addiction Rehabilitation. It could change your life.


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